How NFT Brush works

Here you can find more infos about how to generate a NFT Collection.

Smart Contract

You can deploy your NFTs to following Networks:

  • Ethereum

  • Polygon

  • Avalanche


For testing you can use the official Test-Networks. On Test-Networks there is a Fauced, where you can get some Ether.We also support following Test-Networks:

Example Project - OpenMoji

The example project OpenMoji should you give an idea on how to build your NFT Collection.All emojis designed by OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0We adapted some images so that they match together when layered. These files are also open-source (CC BY-SA 4.0), so that you can use them in your projects (with sufficient attribution) as well.Download OpenMoji Project Traits

How to structure your Project Folder for a perfect upload

NFT Brush uses folder names for your layers and file names for your traits. Structure your project folder like this:

  • Background

    • black.png

    • blue.png

    • green.png

  • Body

    • astronaut.png

    • ninja.png

    • santa-claus.png

  • etc.

After uploading your entire Project Folder NFT Brush creates automatically a Background and Body Layer with the files as Traits.

Integrate a Mint Button on your Website

You can add a mint button for your deployed contract on your website.More infos are on the Mint Button Page.

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